Chapter one hundred and fifty-nine aimar

Deco is worried and expecting about his future.
I almost exchanged with Deco, and aimar is also facing a choice
Because many teams want him now.
In fact, aimar has no intention of leaving, and he prefers to stay. After all, he played very well in Valencia this season.
But his agent got him a message that made him disappointed with the club.
That is to say Valencia once planned to exchange Deco with aimar!
Aimar was shocked when he heard the news.
Because he neve imagined that that club could do such a thing.
In terms of fame and strength, he is confident that he is much better than Deco, who has never heard of anything, but the club wants to exchange such a famous pawn himself …
What does the club think?
And go to a Portuguese team. Even though Porto is a Portuguese giant, Valencia is still the champion of La Liga.
How did the club think I would agree to go to Porto?
But when the agent told him that it was not the decision of Valencia club, but the decision of the head coach.
Aimar was silent.
He accepted the result for a while.
I did so well in Valencia, with six goals and sixteen assists. I didn’t disgrace my name, and I was worthy of Valencia’s payment of more than 20 million yuan to Riverbed.
But just when he was full of hope for his future in Valencia, the news came that he was almost traded.
And it’s such an insulting way … player exchange! Exchange a player who is not as good as himself in fame, worth and strength.
It hit him like a bolt from the blue.
He didn’t know why he was treated so unfairly because he behaved so well.
But his agent is very white.
"Pablo, you have been in Valencia for one and a half seasons, and you have been playing in the winning team for one season. Don’t you know your head coach’s personality and temper? You forget that you have offended him. "
Aimar frowned. "But I admitted my mistake. I think we should get back to normal, and he didn’t give me a hard time in the subsequent game …"
"You’re so naive, Pablo," sighed the agent. "You didn’t show it, so you’re back together? I tell you that it is the easiest thing in this world to offend people, but it is very, very difficult to make up. You have offended him once, and there will always be a knot in his heart … It is said that Porto suggested that you exchange Deco, and Valencia agreed without hesitation! Do you know your position in Valencia now? "
Agents naturally want players to transfer freely, so that they can earn commissions. The extreme example is that Arka keeps transferring and the total transfer has set a world record, which was not broken until later when Ibrahimovic moved to Paris Saint-Germain.
Now, fortunately, aimar has done well in the season, and many teams are interested in him. He has the opportunity to move to a better team, and his agent has the opportunity to earn more commissions and kickbacks.
But aimar wants to stay in Valencia, which is definitely not what the agent wants to see.
I just want to scare innocent and lovely aimar, and always win all the charges. Anyway, it’s not so good to win this name. There are too many lice to worry about
Besides, just because the agent thinks that this possibility is really not shown in Changsheng doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about it in his heart.
Judging from what happened to others in the past, Changsheng was a narrow-minded person.
This explanation is reasonable.
Aimar was obviously scared.
The thought that if I stay, I will live in darkness at the hands of the coach like that devil.
He couldn’t help shivering.
Moreover, Changsheng has proved his attitude towards aimar in the previous unfinished transfer transaction. Playing in a team that doesn’t want to stay is afraid that it will be sold sooner or later.
Let’s … Let’s go.
He nodded his head.
There are quite a few transfer applications from aimar, which means that aimar has done well in the season.
Changsheng’s attitude towards aimar is not as exaggerated as the agent said.
But he didn’t attach too much importance to aimar, otherwise he wouldn’t have agreed to Porto’s request in a conditioned way
I really don’t like aimar very much when I win with Derby.
But not enough to let him go.
It’s okay for aimar to stay.
Deco came to play in the back instead of Guardiola and then aimar continued to be the "creator" in the front waist position
This way, the tactics are the same as at the end of the season, and the team changes the least.
However, he still received a call from aimar’s agent expressing the hope that Valencia would allow aimar to transfer.
Changsheng asked in the words, "Are you sure you want to transfer?"
The other side replied affirmatively, "We want to transfer!"

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